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Docker Metrics

My last blog Monitoring Docker Container Logs covered collecting logs from the NGINX container running on our host. We'll now look at collecting host and container metrics. Container metrics allow you to understand resource utilization and identify any potential resource constraints in your containerised infrastructure. By collecting these metrics we will be able to track Docker events and container status as well as CPU, memory, I/O, and network metrics. To collect metrics from the host, we will be using collectd and for the containers the docker_collectd_plugin via lebauce(Sylvain Baubeau, GitHub), it's a Docker plugin for collectd using docker-py and collectd's Python plugin. Install Collectd 1. Run the following to install collectd: sudo yum install epel-release sudo yum install collectd 2. Modify collectd.conf as per Splunk docs Enable and Configure Plugins to gather the basic OS level metrics, paying attention to the write_http plugin LoadPlugin writ...

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